Promoting responsible
dog ownership

Measurement Working Party

Prior to a dog competing in an Agility trial for the first time, an Official Height Card, signed by TWO (ANKC) Agility Judges, or other persons approved by Dogs West, specifying the height or the height category of the dog must be obtained.

Prior to a dog competing in a Sprintdog trial for the first time dogs are required to be measured by TWO officials. Officials consist of a licensed Dogs Australia Judge from any discipline and either another licensed Dogs Australia Judge or a Club Official appointed by that Club.

Members of the Dogs West Measurement Working Party can be contacted BY EMAIL to arrange measurement of your dog. (for all performance disciplines).


Di Rose -
Mel Rhoden (2nd Judge)


  • Please contact ONE Judge from the list, who will arrange your appointment with a second judge.
  • Email to include attached a clear, scanned copy/photograph of your dog's ANKC Certified Pedigree/Certificate of Registration.
  • Measurements to be done by prior arrangement only, and ideally at a Club Training session. Some trial situations may be accommodated for Country members.
  • Once a suitable appointment is arranged, ANKC paperwork will be prepared by the Working Party Measuring Judge. Please avoid changes to booking once arranged.

NOTE: A dog that is unable to stand still and square for measuring cannot be officially measured.

  • Agility:  If your dog is under two years, it MUST be re-measured as soon as 2 years old - unless it measures into 600/Maximum height class at first measure. (Agility Rules 01-01-2021 Reg 4.3, 4.4, 4.5)
  • Failure to obtain final measure may result in disqualification at subsequent trials.
  • SprintDog: If the dog is under two years old a temporary height card will be issued, the dog will be required to be remeasured every three months until the dog is two years of age. A permanent Height Card would then be issued. (SprintDog Rules 01-07-2024)


Rally Jump Heights (2021)

Under 250mm150mm300mm2
250mm & under 380mm200mm400mm2
380mm & under 500mm300mm600mm2
500mm & over400mm800mm2


Agility Jump Heights (2021)

Up to & including 270mm200mm400mm2
271mm up to & including 365mm300mm600mm2
366mm up to & including 455mm400mm800mm3
456mm up to & including 545mm500mm1000mm4
546mm & over600mm1200mm4


Obedience Jump Heights (2021)

Under 250mm150mm300mm2
250mm & under 380mm200mm400mm2
380mm & under 450mm300mm600mm3
450mm & under 550mm400mm800mm3
550 & over500mm1000mm3


SprintDog Handicap (2024)

Under 30cm1.5
30cm to under 45cm1.25
45cm and over1


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